Desconstruindo o Pop! Discos de 2016

Desconstruindo o Pop! Discos de 2016;

2016 foi um ano de altos e baixos; Perdemos grandes nomes, como Bowie, Prince e Glenn Frey, e ganhamos discos do próprio camaleão, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Savages, Nick Cave e tantos outros. Grandes shows (Alabama Shakes, Wilco, Garbage, New Order...), e músicas que vão demorar a desgrudar da cabeça... Mais um ano para calar a boca de quem só olha pra trás.

Vamos a lista do Dop! dos discos do ano!

01. 'Blackstar', David Bowie


01. Blackstar 
02. ‘Tis A Pity She Was A Whore 
03. Lazarus 
04. Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime)
05. Girl Loves Me
06. Dollar Days
07. I Can’t Give Everything Away

02. 'A Moon Shaped Pool', Radiohead


01. Burn the Witch
02. Daydreaming
03. Decks Dark
04. Desert Island Disk
05. Ful Stop
06. Glass Eyes
07. Identikit
08. The Numbers
09. Present Tense
10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
11. True Love Waits

03. 'My Woman', Angel Olsen


01. Intern
02. Never Be Mine
03. Shut Up and Kiss Me
04. Give It Up
05. Not Gonna Kill You
06. Heart Shaped Face
07. Sister
08. Those Were the Days
09. Woman
10. Pops

04. 'Tropix', Céu


01. Perfume do Invisível
02. Arrastarte-Ei
03. Amor Pixalado
04. Varanda Suspensa
05. Etílica / Interlúdio
06. A Menina e o Monstro
07. Minhas Bics
08. Chico Buarque Song
09. Sangria
10. Camadas
11. A Nave Vai
12. Rapsódia Brasílis

05. 'Adore Life', Savages


01. The Answer
02. Evil
03. Sad Person
04. Adore
05. Slowing Down the World
06. I Need Something New
07. When in Love
08. Surrender
09. T.I.W.Y.G.
10. Mechanics

06. 'Love and Hate', Michael Kiwanuka


01. Cold Little Heart
02. Black Man in a White World
03. Falling
04. Place I Belong
05. Love and Hate
06. One More Night
07. I'll Never Love
08. Rule the World
09. Father's Child
10. The Final Frame

07. 'Schmilco', Wilco


01. Normal American Kids 
02. If I Ever Was a Child 
03. Common Sense 
04. Nope 
05. Someone to Lose 
06. Happiness 
07. Quarters 
08. Locator 
09. Shrug and Destroy 
10. We Aren't the World (Safety Girl) 
11. Just Say Goodbye 

08. 'The Hope Six Demolition Project', PJ Harvet


01. The Community of Hope
02. The Ministry of Defence
03. A Line in the Sand
04. Chain of Keys
05. River Anacostia
06. Near the Memorials of Vietnam and Lincolm
07. The Orange Monkey
08. Medicinals
09. The Ministry of Social Affairs
10. The Wheel
11. Dollar, Dollar

09. '22, A Million',  Bon Iver


01. 22 (Over Soon)
02. 10 (Death Brest)
03. 715 (Creeks)
04. 33 "God"
05. #29 Strafford Apts
06. 666 (Upsidecross)
07. 21 (Moon Water)
08. 8 (Circle)
09. 45
10. 1000000 (Million)

10. 'Teens of Denial', Car Seat Headrest


01. Fill In The Blank
02. Vincent
03. Destroyed By Hippie Powers
04. (Joe Gets Kicked Out of School for Using) Drugs With Friends (But Says This Isn’t a Problem)
05. Just What I Needed/Not Just What I Needed
06. Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales
07. 1937 State Park
08. Unforgiving Girl (She’s Not An)
09. Cosmic Hero
10. The Ballad of the Costa Concordia
11. Connect the Dots (The Saga of Frank Sinatra)
12. Joe Goes to School

Menções honrosas;

'Lemonade', Beyoncé
'Melhor do que Parece', o Terno
'Puberty 2', Mitski
'Post Pop Depression', Iggy Pop
'Skeleton Tree', Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
'Strange Little Birds', Garbage
'Human Perfomance', Parquet Courts
'We Got it From Here...', A Tribe Called Quest
'Hopelessness', Anohni
'The Life of Pablo', Kanye West
'Duas Cidades', Baiana System


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